In The Begining...
Right, here's the story of how i decided on this blog.
So i used to play in many bands in and out of school, one day i formed a band with one great guy and we started to explore original music only. The group had no backup singer so, i decided to lend my frog-like croak to the band. Surprisingly they agreed so i ended up playing guitar and singing seconds. One year passes and we do lots of originals a few gigs, jam alot. My frog-like voice actually becomes slightly pleasing to the ear. I enter university at SMU shortly after and become the resident band whore. As long as they allowed me to, i played. I played any music, anywhere, anytime. Needless to say this had an adverse effect on my grades, but who cares! Eventually, one of the bands, which was incidentally one of the pioneer SMU jazz bands actually got pretty good. We received lessons sponsored by SMU and played jazz and latin standards. At this point i had close to 5 bands including the one which played our own original music. It was crazy, in a good way. I was having some mini-identity crisis. SMU student or Musician? Moving on, as the original music band progresses, the jazz band gets an offer to play a big gig 'SMU grand-opening'. Of course we took it. However, when deciding on the songs, there was on song which i suggested, "Mustang Sally" which was pretty cool. I intended to do it as a blues jam for fun, but my bassist had other plans. Having seen paul ponudorai(i hope i spelt it correctly) totally bastardise the song into a funk-driven one my good bassist was inspired. So he copied the bassline used, note for note. Meanwhile, the singer being jazzy and all, had not much of an idea of how to sing the blues. So i sought to show her. Instead, the band decided that i would sing it. Geeez, help!. Still i sang it at the gig and ....Response was good! woaahh. I started to take my singing a little more seriously going from ..."There is absolutely no chance of me singing" to "maybe i can sing a little". So i go on band whoring while i record my first album (which later became an E.P.) with my original music band. My first year of university ends, many of the bands i whore for start to fade and fizz away. I played guitar mainly for these groups and there was a growing number of guitarists, so i guess i was getting 'out of a job'. However, i started to sing in a lead position. I did a few gigs like that. It was also this time that i started use my trusty "Timothy" Acoustic guitar more. Eventually, all the bands i whored for would fade away, with most of the members becoming my friends instead. The jazz band and my original music band lived on. In august, my original music band launches its E.P. and that was great! but back in school, i start to become more of a singer-guitarist than guitarist guitarist.
The gigs got less but at least lots of the gigs i got were paid. So one day i try to actually record the songs which i write with me actually singing it, to my surprise it didn't sound that bad...hmm must have been the computer programs which i used to enhance the sound quality.
Fast forward, to the present. I try to find one band that i can stick with and explore my own originals, though the original music band comes extremely close, i don't want to dominate the group with my own originals, we have a certain sound and it comes from all of us, not just me. Back in school, most of the people rather do covers. So, one day lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, i think "Crap, why don't i just post whatever i write and record on a blog, whoever wants to listen will listen". So this is it, my diary of music. Its public cause anyone can listen, but its private cause not everyone will know the true meaning of the songs. Here i go!
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